Saturday, August 2, 2008


Since it was mentioned in the last post, I should probably say a bit more about DelVaLUG.

DelVaLUG is the Delaware Valley LEGO Users Group - a club for adult LEGO enthusiasts living in the Delaware Valley (basically, the area including and surrounding the Philadelphia metropolitan area and the Delaware river, containing a chunk of southeastern Pennsylvania, a chunk of southern New Jersey, and bits of Maryland and Delaware).

DelVaLUG was founded by Jim Foulds (who later went on to work as the Director of Community Relations for LEGO Universe - a massive multiplayer online game set in a LEGO world. Technically Jim works for NetDevil - a company that is partnering with LEGO for the project, but that doesn't make the job any less cool! He is the first of a number of my friends who have moved from fandom to careers with LEGO).

Other members include myself and Alice, Tim Caffrey, Cale Leiphart, Arthur Stromberg, Jeff Stabile, Phillip Thorne, and Amy Poole (Note that Alice and I still consider ourselves members-in-absentia, and wear our DelVaLUG badges proudly at LEGO events).

With DelVaLUG, Alice and I participated in a number of LEGO exhibits and events, including a display at the 2005 NBC10 Consumer Expo, the previously discussed mountain at the ILTCO @ NMRA 2005 train show, sci-fi themed displays at PhilCon (the Philadelphia science fiction convention) in 2005 and 2006, and WizardWorld Philadelphia in 2007.

Being involved in DelVaLUG was great, both because I got to meet a bunch of really talented and really cool builders in my area and because I got some practical experience in planning and carrying out large scale displays (the WizardWorld process was especially helpful in this regard, since only a tiny handfull of us were available at the time to commit to the project and as a result Phillip and I were sort of 'thrown into the water, either to sink or swim'. Fortunately, we swam - the event was a great success, and that project will get its own post eventually!)

As a final note: Here is the plan for a mosaic of the DelVaLUG logo that I planned and promised to build for DelVaLUG before my departure from Philly, but never got around to completing. Someday, though, I promise!

DelVaLUG was a great experience. Eventually, Alice and I had to move to Minneapolis, where we founded a new group - TwinLUG. But I still miss sitting out on Jim's porch, or my porch, planning crazy LEGO displays with the DelVaLUG guys and gals.


PS: DelVaLUG's seldom updated website is located here. If you want to get in touch with them, you are probably better off signing up for the Yahoo Group, however.

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